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Showing posts from June, 2014

The Month of June

June brings about the middle of the year and wow it's gone fast! I applied for the Old Bus Depot Markets at the beginning of the month and was quickly accepted to my surprise. The OBDM is described as 'Canberra's Sunday Best' and runs every week in an industrial building in Kingston. Featuring a mix of fabulous foods and beautiful handmade items it really has something for everyone. The hard part was then deciding which week I wanted to attend as I'd specified I'd like to trade once a month. I chose the 2nd Sunday with the exception of this month. Find out more about the Old Bus Depot Markets here My first stall was on the 15th which coincided with the annual Kid's in the Shed day, and it brought lots of the people to the market. I enjoyed meeting new people including fellow stallholders and the visits from a few Canberra Etsy team members. I'm looking forward to the next market on the 13th of July which is also another theme day - Creative Fi...