Merry Christmas! This year Cat, the leader of the Australian Wandarrah Team on Etsy organised a Secret Santa exchange within the team. It's been lots of fun preparing a gift for another team member and having something made especially for you. The catch was keeping your identity a secret. The official opening day is today and we all get the chance to guess our Secret Santa, and finally can give into the temptation of opening the gift! My gift to Joanne from Makeutock I was Joanne from Makeutock 's Secret Santa and I made her a special one of a kind bag. We all filled in a questionnaire in order to get to know our recipient a bit better and I discovered Joanne loves pale blue. My new peter pan collar I received a handmade sequined peter pan collar from my Secret Santa, Malia from MaliaMillais . It even matches perfectly with my outfit today! Thank you Malia! Happy Handbags... Kerri-Anne